Thursday, November 8, 2012

C4K Summary for October

studdent bloggers button

C4K Post 1
For my first C4K post in October, I read a story written by a fourth grade student. The story was about a young girl who receives a teddy bear for Christmas. Although the girl would have rather had an iPod, she soon came to love the gift that Santa left for her. The child had a wonderful imagination and wrote the story very well. I really enjoyed it!
This is the comment I left:

"Hi macagl1954,
My name is Victoria, and I live in Mississippi. I am studying at the University of South Alabama to become an educator. You have such a terrific imagination! I loved your story about William the Teddy Bear! I am so glad that Sunny decided to love him! I hope William and Sunny will remain friends forever. You did a great job of composing your story as well by making sure there was a beginning, middle, and end. I very much enjoyed reading it! I hope you continue to write stories and keep up with your blogging.
Take care, Victoria"

C4K Post 2
For my second C4K post for October, I was enlightened by the post A Novel Concept written by an Advanced Placement Government and Politics student. The post was about the negative aspects of taking online courses. The author also talks about how it is frustrating it is to be in a class with people she will never be able to see in person. I think this is frustrating as well, but to me, the benefits outweigh the negative aspects of online courses. This post was very well written and I enjoyed her style. This post really got me thinking and I like that.
This is the comment I left for Mi:

My name is Victoria and I’m from Mississippi. I’m currently studying at the University of South Alabama in order to become an educator. I’ll be honest, when first reading your post I was a little confused because you seemed to be against a life fused with technology. After reading to the end though, I completely understand where you were going. I agree it gets a little frustrating when you are taking a course online and you never set eyes on your classmates and professor. Being able to put a face and personality to a name is important, especially when you are communicating with your peers via IM or comments on a blog. There are some good things about online classes, however. I like the fact that I can work at my own pace when I’m enrolled in an online course. But, there are some cons, as you discussed. I enjoyed reading your blog post! I was always a bit indifferent to online classes, but your post got me thinking about the things that are wrong with online learning. Keep up the good work! And, good luck in your courses!

Once again, I was shocked to see that someone replied to my comment. I have only had a few people reply to my comments through all of the C4 assignments. Just like the children like for us as as EDM 310 students to post things on their blogs, I like to hear back from the authors!
This is the comment she left for me:

Hi Victoria from Mississippi!
Thanks so much for your comment! I definitely agree… pros and cons come with the whole world of technology in a myriad of ways. And, working at your own pace truly is wonderful (except if you get notoriously distracted like me…) but I agree, that freedom is wonderful, even if it does heighten the amount of self-responsibility involved. I’m glad my post got you thinking, and I hope that your adventures at university are fulfilling and fantastic! Good luck to you as well!

C4K Post 3
My third post to read and comment on for C4K in October was written by Dylan. I was a little confused about his post. I am not really sure if he was summarizing a story he had read, or if it was a story that he made up himself. His wording was a little confusing and it just didn't really make much sense to me. In my comment I asked him a few questions and hoped to get a response, but I didn't.
This is the comment I left for Dylan:

"Hi Dylan,
My name is Victoria and I am studying to become an elementary school teacher at the University of South Alabama. I notice that you just started blogging. What fun you are going to have as you continue to add posts to your blog! It's a lot of fun.
I have a few questions for you. Is this a story that you read about and are giving a summary of, or is this a story that you wrote yourself? I would love to know! I'm glad that the father in the story was nice to his son and showed him how to ride a bike. My dad is who taught me how to ride a bike too!
Keep up with your blogging! I'll be anxious to look at your blog in the future to see what else you've written for your readers.
Best wishes, Victoria"

C4K Post 4
My fourth C4K assignment for October was written by Carson. Carson wrote about a field trip to Aldridge Gardens that his class when on. On this field trip, the students learned all about worms. Carson told the readers a few things that the students learned on the trip.
This is the comment I left for Carson:

"Hi Carson,
My name is Victoria. I am a student at the University of South Alabama and I am studying to become a teacher. I am glad you had a lot of fun on your field trip to Aldridge Gardens! I see that you learned some important information about worms. How cool is it that worm castings can help plants grow? I think it is very exciting to think about all of those little worms that are helping all sorts of plants outside to grow big and strong! Did you like digging for worms? Were they hard to find? I bet you were good at it since you found a lot. I hope you are having a great school year, and keep up the great work with your blogging!

This is the reply that Carson left on my comment:
"Worms help us! They help or sols (soils)."

C4K Post 5
My fifth C4K assignment for October was from Vitulli and Santoli's Eyes on Ireland blog. The post I commented on was Dublin Bound. It was a short post written as they were boarding their plane.
This is the comment I left:

"Oh, I love an Irish accent! I hope you had a nice flight over. I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip in class when you get back! I hope you are having a great time.
I can’t wait to hear all about it.

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